"You smell so good and look so good...you even have a car?? no way! you bought me drinks ....you know what? lets get out of here and do what we have wanted to do the whole night....let me give you my body and you give me yours.....don't talk about how many girls/men you have been with...this is our moment...don't talk about how you have never taken that blood test..I will take your word for it that you are okay...do not ruin the moment...lets live in the now..after all its JUST SEX!"
"Everyone is doing it......how lame are you? you haven't done it...you are just too weird....it only means no one finds you attractive..I mean why else haven't you tried it?....its JUST SEX!"
"No way! you have to know what you are getting yourself into...its like buying a car without getting a test drive.....you have to see his 'merchandise' ...what if you don't like the size?? c'mon do not go in blindly...after all its JUST SEX!"
"We are definitely meant to be...we have been together since forever....we are definitely getting married...you love me..I love you..we are engaged...I cannot imagine anything coming between us....why not? this will only bring us closer...and we want to be closer... it will make us exclusive....its JUST SEX!"
"Am 18! YOLO!...finally legal age....I can drink booze...I can finally be away from my parents and do what I want...I can finally lose my virginity..what is the big deal....its JUST SEX!"
"We are so in love.....I mean I can talk to you all night...I cannot stop thinking about you...all my friends know you...my family too...this definitely something serious....lets do it...its JUST SEX!"
"We are here together.you could be anywhere else but you decided to be here with me...you look hot am hot too....I have protection....why not?...its JUST SEX!"
"My biological clock is ticking...I cannot find a man at my age who will marry me....my family is always pressuring me to get a kid....I mean I can raise one on my own....all I need to do is get a 'sperm donor'...after all its JUST SEX!"
1 Cor 6:16: Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, "The two will become one flesh."
Gen 2:24: That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.
Its not just sex.....its more than sex...it is you joining your soul to another person's ..it goes beyond the physical.....its not two sexual organs coming together its two souls joining to be one.....
1 Corinthians 7:2 - Nevertheless, [to avoid] fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.
Its not just sex...you cannot have it with anyone that you please..sex was preserved for married couples...not dating couples...not friends with benefits relationships...not engaged couples...BUT married couples....
We live in a generation where sex is taken so casual....its like having tea....this is the lie that the enemy has given to us..that its JUST sex....when God created it to be shared between man and wife so that they would become one....but we have believed in the lie that we cannot control ourselves..that if God created it then He wants us to act on it...yes He does but in the right context....
Lets stop making excuses when we know that GOD is the SAME yesterday, today and forever..what He said will remain...no matter what excuse we come up with....God expects us to live in purity...to honor Him while we honor our bodies..because its the only sin that causes us to sin against our bodies...Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit?
The great thing is that God gives us His grace and no matter how much we have messed up because we have believed the lie that .."its just sex" He offers us redemption.....He convicts us of our sin and leads us to repentance....He makes ALL things new...so do not get caught up on...'I messed up'.....accept His grace and let Him put the truth in you......
Dear God,
I have believed so much in the lie that its just sex when all along you call for me to honor you as I honor my body. Today, I ask you Lord to forgive me for giving my body to sexual sin and believing the lie, help me to walk in purity, in my thoughts, words and actions. Help me Lord to abstain from sex until marriage because I cannot do it without you and teach me how to honor you. I pray this in Jesus name.