Women are very relational, they say everything else can go wrong in our lives but if our relationships are okay then we are okay. This quality is what makes most women end up settling for a man that is not God's best for them.... I have seen countless of women in relationships where they know that man is not for them but they stick around because of the fear of being alone. (I have been there too)
You see once you make the decision to tie yourself to a man that God has not planned for you then it alters your destiny...the best you can be is mediocre...every woman deserves to live an extraordinary life meaning you have to be connected to an extraordinary man who is God's best for you.
I hope that after reading this you will reflect on the relationship you are in now/ where you have been/where you are going and analyse if that man is really God's best for you......
1. He is having sex with you before marriage
You say you are with a God- fearing man, yet that man still has sex with you before he makes you his wife. So what god is that man fearing? If it is the one true God...then that man will fear doing the very things that God is against.......that man will know it is a sin to defile his body and your body.....
A God fearing man is not a man who goes to church every Sunday, who says he believes in God or who can quote scripture.....
A God fearing man is a man who lives the word of God....you will see the fruits he bears.....you will see that he protects your purity and will make you his wife before he can lay with you.....
2. He abuses you (physically and emotionally)
Lets start with the emotional abuse....he always has something negative to say about you....he is always putting you down ......he makes you feel inferior and may even use curse words on you.......
You see..... God describes you as more precious than a ruby, He calls you beautiful,...He looked at His creation and saw it was good.....you see He took time to make you...He already had great plans for you even when you were in the womb....
If this is how your Maker describes you....and it is because He loves you....then why do you believe a man who says he loves you and yet abuses you and labels you as something less than what your creator says you are...
A man who loves you will praise you, he will make you feel loved and wanted...he will describe you and label you the same way God does...He will reflect that kind of love...
Which goes without saying that he will not abuse you physically either......
3. He pushes you further from Christ
Ever since you two got together you cannot remember the last time you had quite time with God....the last time you read His word or even the last time you attended church...
No relationship should take the place of God in your life.....
You see the minute you let that relationship push you away from Christ then you will idolize it and expect the man to be your god...expecting him to fill the void that only God can fill....
A man who is for you will always point you to Christ...that relationship will make you get closer to Christ not substitute Him...
4. He does not take initiative
Lets say you are the one who approached him and asked him out on a date and eventually you pushed him into being your boyfriend.....
Women nowadays are encouraged to go after the guy...in the tabloids...in the Hollywood movies....
Women are encouraged to take the lead in relationships..... this destroys the order that God put in place...
You see the man was created to lead the woman......so what happens when the woman is doing the leading? the woman will end up frustrated because she will be the one working to sustain the relationship while the man takes the back seat.....
A real man takes initiative...he will pursue you...he is not okay with being pursued.....no matter how 'shy' he is......
5. He has no personal relationship with Christ
You see God instructs a man to love his wife just like Christ loved the church...this is the kind of love that is willing to die for you....what a task!
You see for a man to understand how to love you to that extent he has to be connected to the author of love who is Christ.....and you my dear deserve that kind of a man whose love reflects that of Christ...
There are many other things to look out for in a man to be able to see if he is God's best for you....
Thing is if you know in your heart that you have settled for someone who is less than who God has intended for you..I pray that you get the courage to end it and decide to wait on God...to wait on God to reveal that man in His own timing...
I will not lie that it will be easy but I promise it will be worth it because God always exceeds our expectations beyond what we can ever think or imagine.....
Nice article Enid. Keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteThank you...All glory to God. Keep reading
Deleteheeey enid always getting new insight after reading your blog...i suggest that you should consider writing an open letter to the men as well. I feel that men in our society lack such information from blogs, social media etc etc hence they fail to get insight on how to become REAL MEN.. the result of this is, more and more women becoming empowered, many women opting to be single and some of those who enter into relationships settle for less. The Bible says that "my people perish because of lack of knowledge".....this is clearly evident in our present society
Thank you alot for this. I totally agree that the men are getting sidelined leaving women with limited options of potential men. I will try and I might also get a guy to do the post here. Thank you. God bless
DeleteEvery story is different...... But if you point someone in the Mr. Right direction, well they will end up miserable. 1+1 will always be 2. Dynamics will not change. At birth, boys are more than girls, however at the age of 5, girls are more than boys (mortality and demographic studies). Fact, at 20 there are more ladies than men. Another fact, the society we live in today is morally rotten n people do not live right. Ask yourself, demographically/statistically who should you be addressing? PS in Genesis, Adam reacted, Eve acted..... The twist is, it echoes through history. As you have put it, natural order.
ReplyDeleteGentleman..thanks for the input but you lost me there..I dont undersatand what you mean
DeleteWow Enid....I've been binge reading your blog posts and all I can say is God is really using you in a mighty way. May he continue to inspire you. Be blessed!!
ReplyDeleteWow! All glory to God....Thank you and be blessed