I decided to wait on God to bring the man He wants for me in June 2013, after a past of 'misguided' relationships....fast forward to December 18th 2013.....where we first shook hands with Grey and I was too distracted by thoughts of getting my graduation shoes...
Lets press the forward button again...to June 2014 where we became friends and started going out on dates.....Grey had a graduation for a men's program he was going through called 'MAN ENOUGH'....it was pretty clear by now that we were on the verge of crossing the friendship line with each other...considering I helped him pick the suit for his graduation and he invited me to attend considering they were told to invite the special people in their lives....
I wore a GREY dress that day...yes! the support was real...lol and stayed in church way ,way, way (2 hours lol) after the service had ended just waiting for the ceremony to start.......so it started and ended well...
After the graduation I rushed out to look for him to show my support in addition to my GREY dress....and then when I finally get to him..he is with his friend and then I share with him how happy I am for him and then he appreciates and goes like..." I will see you another day",.......
well, I said all that in my head and just smiled and told him okay although I think I had a confused look and said goodbye without breaking a sweat......(mwanamke ni kujikaza..lol)....
So I went away pissed!! I remember talking to my pals on the way and I was lost in my thoughts...thinking did that just happen??? NKT....I wont even pick his call when he calls......all along am wondering why my phone is not ringing.....so that I ignore the call....So I get into the bus and on my way home....he calls...and I picked up lol!.....then He goes like am sorry I did not invite you for lunch even my friend thought you should have come with us.....
In my head: Your friend had to tell you to invite me so that you do??? what is wrong with you? I just wasted my afternoon...
My lips: Its okay, next time....see you...
Hahahaha! I mentioned in my other post..." Why I am waiting to kiss my fiance on the wedding day" that I was so bad at confronting issues....
I remember sitting in the bus asking God...really? this is the man you have for me? why? he has even hurt me even before I get to be his girlfriend.....
Then God answered.....I never told you, he will be perfect.....he will screw up sometimes...he will hurt you...he will disappoint you..he will make you cry sometimes...but yes he is the one I have set apart for you.....I need you to love him even when you do not feel like it...because if you depend on your feelings the relationship will fail...I want you to learn how to love like I love you.....
After that response I cried and decided to forgive him...but I had to tell him why I am angry as I ignored his next 2 phone calls...and even after I told him and he asked me out for lunch the next day...I lied to him I was no where near the city center until....I heeded to what God told me and I truly forgave him.after he profusely apologized like 100 times lol.. and then 4 days. later he asked me to be his girlfriend...and well...now I am His fiance.....
This was my first lesson on what it takes to grow a godly relationship....the unique thing about this kind of relationship is the aim is to make you Christ like....to show you how selfish and inconsiderate you can be and mostly to reflect Christ to the other person..... I know we still have marriage to teach me more way more on loving Grey.....and reflecting Christ
God calls us to do all things for His glory.....and loving the other person when you think they do not deserve it is something we have to do in our relationships....
Thing is...a lot of Christians are being taught on waiting on the man/woman God has for you and are not taught that...it will not be smooth....
Truth is even if the two of you are saved, you will disappoint each other, hurt each other...etc....so before you decide to get into a relationship......you have to be ready to commit, to forgive, to carry one another's burdens, to sacrifice, to compromise....to most importantly forget about yourself and put the other person first.....in other words be ready to LOVE....
It is a beautiful thing to be loved...you have someone to cheer you on , you have someone to share the bad times with, you have someone who will see beyond your mistakes and take you just as you are....do not look for that person...choose to be that person...
PS: Grey is an amazing man....he probably has more lessons on love than me...lol..I can be hard at times