Dear women,
We live in a world that portrays women who dress less are the most attractive,....
We live in a world that tells us to 'think like men and act like ladies' and 'what a man can do a woman can do'...
We live in a world where we are told that we should start pursuing men.....
We live in a world where we are constantly being reminded that having the latest fashion trend will make people like you more...
We live in a world where we are told that calling ourselves a 'female dog' is appropriate because it means we are strong.....
We live in a world where we are told we need to sleep with a man to keep him.....
We live in a world where we are told we need to do all it takes to get ahead......
We live in a world where we are constantly pushed to fight each other.....
We live in a world that is constantly reminding us that our shape and skin color is not good enough...
Dear Women,
This is a letter to remind us that we have been called to be women of a different status......the kind of status that does not allow us to sell ourselves short by giving our bodies to 'random' men....but understanding that ours bodies are so precious ....because we were uniquely formed that only someone who has paid the price for you will be able to explore the beautiful body that God has given you..the way it should be explored.....
The kind of status that calls for us to uphold modesty and understand that our dressing speaks volumes about us...to understand that we are already beautiful and we do not have to prove it to anyone else by showing off more skin....
The kind of status that calls for us to understand we were created to THINK, TALK, ACT and DO things as WOMEN and NOT men....that God created us to thrive in our femininity..not to try to be like men but to be WOMEN....
The kind of status that calls for us to be so secure in our abilities, looks, gifts, etc that we do not feel the need to outdo each other.......
The kind of status that calls for us to raise our standards to that of Christ..that we will constantly strive to reflect Him in every area of our lives....that when people interact with us they will see Christ...
Women! We have a huge responsibility of showing girls what it means to be a woman.....to make them see that its not the shape of their bodies, the length of their hair, the clothes they wear that defines a woman...but its her gentleness, her kindness, her ability to uphold virtue that defines her.....
We have a responsibility to show girls that purity is something to be protected.....its not something to be used as a bait for a man.....
We have a responsibility to raise the standards set by this world to standards set by the women who pursued Christ.....to have the obedience to God that Mary had, the kind of loyalty Ruth had, the courage that Esther had, the love of Christ that Mary Magdalene had......we are called to be so much more than our HIPS, LIPS AND FINGER TIPS...we are called to be ROYALTY
Hi Enid. I am very proud of the woman you have become. You always had a clean heart and you continue to do even now. Continue with the great work you are doing. You are making a mark in someone's life by your writing knowingly or unknowingly. Again am very proud of you
ReplyDeleteaaaawwww thank you, all glory to God. It has been a journey. Thank you for the encouragement
DeleteWOOOOOOOOOOOW ENID.....That really touched my heart. I need to thrive in my femininity. your such an inspiration.keep up the good work. BARAKA !!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you dearie...God bless you