I share this to encourage anyone who is about to give up on waiting on the man/woman God has for them....
To remind you that God has not overlooked you and He has not forgot about you...
To remind you not settle for anything less than a relationship that honors God....
To remind you that in His right and perfect time He will allow you to meet and if you let Him make the choice for you, He will give you His best for you.....
To remind you that.....when that person comes they will be worth the wait and you will be glad that you did not give up on the wait.....
To remind you to not compare your life to others..that it does not matter if your friends, colleagues...etc are getting into relationships and are getting married because God has unique plans for you.....
To remind you that true love still exists despite being hurt before and despite the negativity around the topic...
To remind you that no matter what you have done in your past...God is able to make you new and you can start over.....
To remind you that it is possible in this day and age to honor God in your relationship and it will be worth it!!!
Sometime back, I wrote a letter to my future husband here before I met my future husband (okay...we were just acquaintances but you know what I mean..I had no idea it would be him and neither did he ). One of the things that I had asked for was a guy who is goofy and I will be able to laugh with him ALOT!.......and then I met him.....
Here goes part 2.........
Me: Remind me to ask you something when we meet (insert sweet name)
Grey: Okay (insert sweet name)
Grey: If its you asking if you can be my wife, its a yes (smiley face)
Me: You mean I do not have to apply???
Grey: Not at all (insert sweet name).....
Lol, then I went ahead and wrote my CV just in case I needed to apply (thy shall not judge) The first post acts as a cover letter
Here it is:
Curriculum Vitae
Name: Enid Nzisa *****
of birth: 05-03-1990
Religion: Christian
Nationality: Kenyan
Status: Single
Email: enid@ihavemyeyesonyou.com
Phone no:
01-01-2007- Present: Phd in Cleaning
and Cooking
01-01-2003-Present: Masters in Home
05-03-1990- Present: Bachelor’s
Degree in Femininity
Grey’s Fiancee: Duties and Responsibilities
- · Praying for Grey daily
- · Laughing at Grey’s jokes
- · Encouraging Grey
- · Going out on dates with Grey
- · Praying together with Grey
- · Smiling at Grey when he looks my way
- · Cycling with Grey
- · Hiking with Grey
- · Hanging out with Grey’s family and friends
- · Holding his sweater as he looks through his bag
- · Calling him sweet names
- · Blushing when he calls me sweet names
- · Recommending outfits for Grey
- · Attending weddings with Grey
- Watching football with Grey
Grey’s girlfriend: Duties and
- · Holding Grey’s hand as we walk
- · Giving Grey side- hugs
- · Going for picnics with Grey
- · Cycling with Grey
- · Hiking with Grey
- · Laughing out loud at Grey’s jokes
- Replying to texts
- Laughing at Grey's jokes
- Pretending not to notice Grey
- · Member of All saints Cathedral
- · Owner of a KRA pin
- I have goals (includes: relationship goals, meal goals, children goals, house goals, and husband goals-You..tihihihi)
My mother:
Teacher at
Email: enidsmum@shewillloveyou.com
My Pastor
My neighbor
At home
Lets hope my application gets accepted...........
Hahah! Enid,you are just something else
ReplyDeleteHahahaha I hope that is a complement...thank you
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