He saw me from a distance and.... saw through my scars, my flaws, my mistakes and called me gorgeous!..He decided to pursue me.....I was stubborn and I just could not believe the kind of love He offers is real....I thought why would He come after me?
He kept coming and telling me that He would love me beyond time....that He would be my strong tower and my rock..that with Him I would not have to fear because no one can come against Him....He promised to protect me and provide for me....
He promised me that if I would accept His love...I would be free from the shame...the guilt ...the heartache...
He promised that He would always be by my side...that He will never let me go through anything alone...
He promised that with Him my heart is safe...because in Him I would live, move and have my being.....
He told me that He will love me without conditions!
Despite all these, I resisted and I just could not wrap my head around the idea of letting go of what I thought was love....
He sent people to tell me how much He loves me.....but I just couldn't believe it.....why?
Because in my eyes...I was unlovable......
In my eyes...I was a mess...
In my eyes..I did not deserve to be given that kind of love.....
In my eyes I was not worthy to be called HIS.....
He kept on coming every day....reminding me that if I was HIS...I would be free....I would be free to enjoy life....I would be free of worry...I would be free of pain...because in the end He would get me to be with Him forever....
I asked Him why didn't He want another? and He said that it has always been me and it will always be me....because He loved me even before the existence of time and He will love me to infinity.......
My heart started softening and I decided to give Him a chance.......
Immediately, I felt lighter...I felt like a huge burden had been removed off my shoulder...
I felt free...all of the shame and guilt I felt...was all gone...
After some time....I no longer craved for people's approval instead I started wanting to please Him and only Him...He started becoming the center of my world and He ROCKED IT!...He became my best friend...He became my adviser when I was in a dilemma...He became the first person I talk to when I wake up.....
Truth is....I thought I had loved before...I thought that the first guy I dated was my first love....until I met Him...the one who loved me even before I came to existence....the one who decided 2000 years ago that He would rather die than live without me....the one who knows every detail about me and who anticipates my needs......the one who provides and protects me fiercely!
The one who works out everything for my good.....the one who has never and will never leave my side even when everyone else does.....the one who would not let me make mistakes and not correct me...
MY FIRST LOVE......WAS...IS AND WILL ALWAYS BE........because He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.....everything finds life in Him, He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.....He is the Maker of the Universe...He is supreme, Almighty, He is Indescribable, He is ALL-Powerful, He is LOVE.
Because He first loved me......He will always be my first Love and I pray you allow yourself to experience this kind of love....
He will make you feel priceless..because He already paid the price for you!
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