get to it shall we?
Myth 1: God does NOT want us to have sex
the church tells people to wait until marriage to have sex, many people
conclude that God is against us having sex...
Let me take you back to when God created man and woman and placed them in the garden of Eden and told them to fill the earth...we all know where babies come from..right?( to be clear they are not bought from the supermarket, they are as a result of a man and woman having sex) so who created this good thing called sex? you guessed right...God!
So does He want us to have sex? YES!! ...hold up before you go celebrating....He does but in the context of marriage and even that, He calls us to be faithful to our spouse.....
Sex is encouraged in the context of marriage in the bible:
1 Corinthians
7:3-5: The husband should give to his wife her conjugal rights, and
likewise the wife to her husband. For the wife does not have authority over her
own body, but the husband does. Likewise the husband does not have authority
over his own body, but the wife does. Do not deprive one another, except
perhaps by agreement for a limited time, that you may devote yourselves to
prayer; but then come together again, so that Satan may not tempt you because
of your lack of self-control.
God wants us to have sex in marriage and remain faithful to our spouse.
Myth 2:. Its JUST sex
is a phrase that many of us use so that we remove the seriousness of sex and
make it casual. We reduce it to something like shaking hands. So why is this a
am reminded of the story of Jacob, how he worked for 7 years to get Rachael and
instead he was given Leah and he laid with her. Now because he laid with her it
meant that they were now one/married and he had to stay with her and work for 7
more years to get the woman he wanted.
1 Corinthians 6:16: Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, "The two will become one flesh."
sex is not just sex, it is something that binds two souls together, it
makes you one with the other person. It goes beyond the physical, so the more
people you have sex with the more souls your soul is tied to......ever wonder
why you will never forget the sexual encounters you have had? or how you seem
to never get over that ex? or how you keep going back to have sex with that
person even after breaking up? It is NOT because you love them, its because
your soul is tied to them and until you break those soul ties through prayer
and naming each of them, you will always long to go back...(story for another
Truth: It is NOT JUST sex, it is the uniting of two souls
Myth 3: Sexual compatibility is priority when looking for a spouse
I have never understood what people mean by sexual compatibility, to me if one is a male and the other female....that is compatibility.....anyway I bet what we mean when we say that is....you have to find out if the person you are dating/ considering to date can satisfy you sexually before you settle for them.....
Why is this a myth? The minute you get to have sex with someone before marriage, this becomes your foundation meaning...you will never be able to connect with this person way beyond the physical...because you are already 'blinded' by the 'great' sex you are having so you will never get to see the other person for who they are....so what happens if you two get married? and the amount of sex you two have reduces? Your interest diminishes too because whatever kept you together is no longer there and everyone starts looking for satisfaction outside the marriage.....
Truth: Sex is not a testing kit for getting the right spouse.
Myth 4: Safe sex is using protection
Statistics show that people are more afraid of getting pregnant than getting STDs.....and just to add to this is.....we are afraid of pregnancy and STDs more than we are afraid of disobeying God.......
1 Corinthians 6:18-20 :Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.
It is the ONLY sin that you do not only sin against God but your own body (pause for a moment and think about this) like it has double consequences.....
Truth: Safe sex is ONLY in marriage with your spouse.
Myth 5: God gave me sexual urges so I must act on them when I want to
If I had a dollar for every time I have heard people say this....and even myself in the past I would be...,mmmmh I would probably be writing this from my own private jet...
Its true that God has given us the sexual urges, BUT He calls for the Unmarried to be self-controlled and wait for the right time and the married to have self control and only have sex with their spouse.
To the married
Hebrews 13:4: Let
marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for
God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.
To everyone:
1 Thessalonians
4:3-5:For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from
sexual immorality; that each one of you know how to control his own body in
holiness and honor, not in the passion of lust like the Gentiles who do not
know God
6: Masturbation is a lesser evil than fornication(sex before marriage),
adultery and Homosexuality
have come across a lot of movies, articles and TV shows that encourage people
to masturbate especially the men, that it will prevent prostrate cancer and the
likes.....and the movies that promote that is a normal thing in such that in
one movie I saw a parent walk in and found the son masturbating and actually
said it is okay and gave him advice on doing it better...Okay, I did not
continue watching the movie after that...
it such an OK thing to do why do people shy from talking about it...why is it
always fueled by pornography? why is it always a struggle for anyone
involved to get out of it?
that is from the devil always enslaves us....and that is why we are told that
the TRUTH(Jesus) will set us free......
Masturbation is sexual sin
are so many more, kindly share on the comments......
is, God is calling for a generation of young people to rise up who will walk in
purity and stand for it no matter what the media will promote and even when
is when God tells us to wait until marriage to have sex and to be faithful to
our spouses is NOT because He wants to limit our pleasure but to protect our
Esther remaining a virgin
ensured that she was among the virgins picked as potential queens and she
became queen and God used her to save her people...
When Joseph fled from
Portiphar's wife and refusing to have sex with her, made Him become the
governor and also God used Him to save His people...if He slept with her, he
would definitely not have earned favor with the God and ending up in
prison because Potiphar's wife was angry that he refused to sleep with her
turned out to be exactly what was needed for him to become governor.....
Samson, because of lacking
self control and becoming unequally yoked with a woman who he was not meant to
be with, lost his strength and his purpose which was to rule over the people
who enslaved him was not accomplished...even though God still used Him...
be careful and alert that you do not fulfill your destiny because you were
unable to control your sexual urges.....and truth is:
Thanks for sharing my dear friend!!
ReplyDeleteThank you. Thank you
ReplyDeleteGreat piece Enid. You have said it just right.
ReplyDeleteAwesome and Truly God inspired!!!!👌👌👍👍👍
ReplyDeleteOther myths are that one needs to practice having sex before marriage so that he or she doesn't "float" when having sex in marriage; and that so long as you'll end up marrying the person you're having sex with it's OK to have sex before marriage.
All these are myths as you have indicated that marriage is only meant for married couples within marriage!!!!!
May God bless you and may He continue to use you as His mouthpiece!!!!!👍👍👌👌👌