We started reading the book of Joshua at bible study fellowship this year, well you know the book about the guy who took over leadership after Moses died to get the Israelites to Canaan.The book about the guy who God told over and over again to not be afraid or discouraged, the book about the guy who God used to part the River Jordan to get to Canaan. Yes that book....its full of adventures of how they conquered different tribes in order to occupy Canaan, if it was a movie it would fall under the epic kind of movies, you know 'Troy', '300' and the likes.
One of the most epic moments in this story is when God instructed Joshua and his arm to march around Jericho once a day for six days, and on the sixth day the walls of Jericho came tumbling down (Joshua 6) . The instruction God gave them was to destroy everything with the sword living in Jericho- men, women, young, old, cattle, sheep...you name it! and take the gold, bronze and iron to the Lord's house. Well, there are so many amazing stories to tell out of Joshua 6, how Rahab, a prostitute was saved etc but I want us to focus on the instruction the Israelites were given...they were to take the bronze, gold and Iron to the Lord's house. (Keep this in mind)
After they destroyed Jericho, they were to take over a place called Ai and because as usual, God would help them defeat their enemies because He promised them, Joshua sent part of his army to fight the men in Ai. But Alas! (dramatic music) they ended up been chased away and 36 of them lost their lives. This baffled Joshua, that why would a faithful God who promised them victory cause them to be defeated and when he cried out to God, God revealed to Him that it was because one of the Israelites did not follow God's instructions when they defeated Jericho. (You have to read this on your own from Joshua 7)
So who was this dude that had sinned against God and caused Israelites' defeat? ...drum roll.... ACHAN...this dude took a robe, silver and a bar of gold and hid them for himself instead of taking them to the Lord's house. Long story short, he was stoned and burned with his wife, kids cattle, donkeys, sheep, his tent...everything he had!After this, the Israelites went out and took over Ai and the instruction God gave them this time was....they would carry for THEMSELVES the livestock and plunder from Ai...
Now get this, if Achan had just followed God's instruction the first time and waited, he would have had much much much more from Ai that the robe, few silvers and the bar of gold he took from Jericho. If only he was patient enough......
So I will ask you, what are you asking God for and now you think that God is taking way too long to answer you and you decide to take things into your hand?
Is it a relationship? You are tired of waiting for that godly woman or man and decide to choose someone for yourself? then end up being unequally yoked or in an abused relationship etc just because you could not WAIT!
Is it a business deal? doing business the right way doesn't seem to give you the big money and the lifestyle you want and God doesn't seem to be listening to your prayers. So what do you do? You bribe, do some other 'low down' stuff and you get yourself in trouble or get involved with the wrong crowd...
Is it that you desire a certain lifestyle and working your way up does not seem viable and it will take 'forever' to get the life you want, so you get a 'sponsor/ sugar daddy/mama' to be able to get the life you desire....
I want to encourage you today, to trust in God's timing to wait on Him, to trust that He has the best plans for you, plans that you cannot even think of or imagine....do not act like Achan and take things into your own hands..because His timing, His plans are PERFECT
I remember I was just like Achan, I desired a relationship but it felt like God would not give me what I wanted and ended up playing 'match maker' for myself and made a mess of my life... read about this HERE: MY STORY . BUT I thank God for second chances and I always tell myself if I knew what God had in store for me, I would have just WAITED....
Dear God,
I thank you for the plans that you have for us, for they are plans for a future and a hope and not plans to destroy us. For the times we have failed to wait and took things into our hands, may you forgive us and help us to wait. Encourage us today to wait on your timing, to wait despite the ridicule, hurt, loneliness, brokenness, etc .
In Jesus' name we pray, Amen
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