Monday 29 July 2013

Ladies! Ladies! Ladies!

I walk into the washroom/bathroom(whatever tickles your fancy) and as always after the service ladies flock there as if there is a crusade going on. Some on the mirrors, some lining up to wait their turn to use the facilities while tapping their feet. I get all these looks that say " who does she think she is" but I take it as "she is cute"-kind of look. Ladies you get what I mean when you get these looks. So  I quietly make my way to the shortest line and the stares are getting more intense as if I was getting scanned for a tumor from my feet up. I accidentally step on one of them while making my way through and all hell broke loose despite us being in Church I kept repeating the word SORRY like a broken record until she calmed down....

I have always wondered what makes us ladies see each other as enemies or competition. I thought birds of a feather flock together, I admire how guys treat each other. They rarely have beef and if they do its never that serious because in a few minutes they will be talking about the English premier league.
I believe this aspect in us is what has led to a male-dominated society. While we ladies continue sneering at each other ,giving each other those "looks" and talking behind each others back, the guys are busy sharing ideas, helping out each other and joining forces to build something big.

Leviticus 19:18 :Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against a fellow Israelite, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.

Hebrews 10:24 :Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works.

The first verse may as well say Do not seek revenge or bear against a fellow WOMAN but love HER as you love yourself. Ladies there will always be someone prettier, smarter, richer than you, someone with a better job, a better car, a better man, a better house than you the sooner you accept that the better! We all have our purpose on this earth and we all have our blessings.
Women have been given the ability to be nurtures and builders they hold the family together, they have the ability to give birth and nurture their children. I believe that the time when women will start seeing each other as SISTERS and work together, that is when women will realize their full potential  because we get blinded with jealousy, gossip and envy that we do not allow God to work in us.
When you occupy yourself in fulfilling your God-given purpose you will have no time to envy what your fellow sister has because you will have known each of you has a different path to follow. Now your work will be to help them out to get to where you are, mentor them and allow them to realize their purpose.
So from today ladies instead of giving that girl in that cute dress that "look" tell her she looks good. instead of talking behind her back and then pretend you like her you might as well choose between the two and stick to one.
So ladies, pray that God may show you how to love HER as You love YOURSELF.

Friday 26 July 2013


I felt like getting off the bus and walking, with the bus stopping at every stop and which may have been five minutes to me they were excruciating FIVE minutes.I kept giving the driver and his conductor a grim ripper look and thinking "OMG! can we go!". One man sitting next to the driver as if he read my mind he started arguing with the driver how its annoying for them to keep us at every stop for so  long I almost got pompoms and started cheering for this guy. Eventually we got to the city center and I was early for my appointment....

I wanted to read a certain book so bad that even though the friend I was borrowing it from had told me he would lend it to me over the weekend I still couldn't that long. So I decided to go to the book store and get a book that is from the same genre. It cost me four hundred and ninety and now it sits on my book shelf the minute I got my hands on the other book...

These are just the few times I have seen in in myself that I find it so hard to practice patience, its something that I fail at every now and then.If I had practiced being patient in these two situations I would have enjoyed the ride to the city center as I eventually got there on time and saved myself a lot of agony, I would have saved four hundred and ninety shillings instead of buying that book.

We live in a generation where we want instant gratification, we microwave our food, we have instant  passport , even in our relationships we want to play "marriage" before we actually are where we live by the principle "if it feels good do it!"

Genesis 29:20 : So Jacob spent the next seven years working to pay for Rachel. But his love for her was so strong that it seemed to him but a few days.

Habakkuk 2:3 :But these things I plan won't happen right away. Slowly, steadily, surely, the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed.

 We say we trust God and yet we are always trying to find our own ways to solve things or at times think that God is slaking and He needs our help so we decide to do things our way, or take opportunities that we might think are the best when clearly God has told you to wait then we end up in misery and losses. When we rush and get into relationships just because we think our time in running out and later end up dissapointed and heart broken, when we end up compromising just because we wanted the easy way out.

God requires for us to be patient and stand still and let Him be God not running around and trying to figure things out on our own. He knows your hearts desires, He created you He knows exactly what you need in a spouse, exactly what you need in your career.
Just for a minute pray that God teaches you how to be patient, it will actually make life easier and make you less miserable because you would have left everything in the hands of the MAKER OF THE EARTH, THE AUTHOR OF LOVE, THE BEGINNING AND THE END, ALPHA AND OMEGA and mostly to your HEAVENLY FATHER.
 He never dissapoints! You just have to learn to wait!

Friday 12 July 2013

The tongue


" I don't sit down the moment mum walks into the house its always do this, do that!" I was talking to myself.  Then I did my task half-heartedly. This has become a routine every time my dear mother "interrupts" me when I am doing my "important" tasks which include watching and re-watching my favorite movies or I am blogging and face booking all at once. One day during my quite times I prayed to God to show me certain areas of my life that I need to work on, so going through the day, mum "interrupted" me again. Right before I could utter a word these words came into mind " How many times has your mother been there for you, ever since you came to this world?" It didn't stop there the other question was " what makes you think God will bless you with the job of your dreams when you cannot even obey and stop complaining when your mother needs your help? What makes you think that you will not treat your boss the same way?"
Now that caught my attention! and it got me thinking.
How many things do we utter that hinder God working in our lives? We complain, we gossip, we talk ill of others, we criticize, we curse, we pray for something then the next minute we utter something that is the opposite of what we prayed for.
I have to say God is faithful He showed me where I keep going wrong and trust me when I say that it is not easy to accept and try work on it.

 Proverbs 18:21: Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.
Ephesians 4:29  Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.
Proverbs12:18 : There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.

Take time today and think about how you use your tongue, Do you speak blessings over others or are you constantly tearing people down? Do you find every opportunity to gossip? Do you complain and mummer every time you are given a task to do by your parent or boss? Do you share other people's secrets when you promised you would not?  Do you constantly talk about your problems?
Ask God to show you how to tame your tongue for the power of life and death lies in it, Its time we get to understand how much weight or words carry. Go on change what you speak today and see how much your life will change.I am working on it


So today, I posted an article written by a dear friend, She is one of reasons I started this blog. So, Tess, this just came in time for me and I hope that it will also act as a reminder for someone else.


I like to read just about anything I come across. I don’t do much of writing though. At times I do put my thoughts down…but just for my own reading. I also do jot down stuff that I find interesting…something that might be thought-provoking to me or just plain funny in the most silly way. What happens after I write these interesting ‘stuff’ down? Some days- not too often -I do find myself opening up one of my myriad of notebooks and just read through. At times I do laugh at some of those silly jokes…or at times I just raise my eyebrow and wonder if I really do have much of a good sense of humor.Reading through makes my mind travel to distant memories. Some really good and some are not so much on the good side. I always appreciate them with a smile, a laugh or just tears at times. I happen to believe everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens to you in vain. One time casually flipping through the pages, I read something that I had just scribbled. It was a Bible verse:
               Proverbs 4:2 “Above all else guard your heart. For it is the well spring of life.”

I tried to remember what had made me write it down but nothing came up. I carried on with my day as usual trying not to put much thought into it…..but you know that strong tugging you get in your heart…to do something... that’s what I had. I knew I had to think about what I had read and understand it……because to be honest I didn’t and I was comfortable in not knowing. Dangerous place to be in if you ask me…but no one asked so Some call it the gut feeling or even human intuition…maybe it was one of those I had.

I kept thinking…”guard my heart?” Why??? “For it is the wellspring of life”…..corny I know. I do not believe in coincidences. I don’t think things just happen…..God makes things happen. He knows your whole life story…nothing surprises Him really. Take a moment and think about it.So for me to have come across something I had written down and for it to not leave my mind…..was definitely no coincidence.
There is a song done by a band-casting crowns-that is worth listening to. The song is called ‘slow fade’. Do give it a listen and probably add it to your playlist. The song speaks about how people never crumble in a day…it’s always a slow fade. The song talks about watching what your eyes see…what your ears hear and what comes out from your lips.”Thoughts invade, choices made, a price will be paid when you give yourself away”…..some of the lyrics from the song.

To my understanding….I should basically just guard my heart. What should I guard it from though? You know, we always know what we are meant to do/what we are supposed to do/what is required of us…..but often we forfeit it.Either because it’s just too much work or pride reasons or” I’m too young” or “It’s my life I’ll live it the way I want to”…I have used some of these barely there reasons and not done the right thing. Why should you guard your heart anyway? Shouldn’t it be anything comes anything goes because you only live once anyway and this life is not a rehearsal? You know at times the heart goes for the wrong things. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?” Jeremiah 17:9. What happens when you don’t guard your heart? “For out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks”. Matthew 12:34.Your mouth betrays what is in your heart. Every word that comes out of your mouth starts in the heart. All of your actions and choices are driven by the desires of your heart. If it wasn’t in your heart in the first place, chances are you would probably not have done what you did. Think about it.If it wasn’t in your heart, chances are you would have probably not have said what you said.

“Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.” Familiar quote? You need to be very careful of what you let in because that’s where it all begins. You might have already gone beyond the thought stage…and you already have that habit… that character… that just started by what seemed were harmless thoughts. So you decide to become comfortable in that habit that you know too well is wrong. Because coming out from a habit that you just ‘love’ and ‘adore’ is just too difficult almost impossible to come out from. Plus…who has the time for that? You will find the time once you feel helpless,hopeless,lonely…you are desperate to get out…desperate for a change…desperate for a do-over…because you find out what you once ‘loved’ and ‘adored’ is just a bubble. Nothing really is inside and you feel so dis content and you think more and more of what you having eventually will make you content. Lies.
Sin is something you don’t want to mess around with. It is not something you want test.How far can I stick my hands out and the sharks won’t bite me? How many seconds can I touch this hot burner and not get burned? You need to stay away.Completely.You need to guard that heart. You need to watch your thoughts. Because? It’s always a slow fade. At times we lie to ourselves….I have this in full control. I got this this. Truth is you don’t. Sin is from the devil. He owns the sin. He brings it in slowly without us realizing because the guard is completely down in our hearts. He knows what weak point you have so he uses it.You just happen to be his very good puppet.
At times you are just so caught up and you think you are way too far gone. That is a lie. You can always ask for forgiveness…and be forgiven and be completely free from what has bound you. “When He strips you from an area of weakness you cannot return to it later as if He never existed. “Every time you feel cornered you run to His feet and stay there. There is only one destination of sin which is death. Guard yourself from it.You might say ‘I can keep doing this…after all I will always be forgiven’. Very true. God is very forgiving probably a human being wouldn’t give you all those chances He gives unto us. But you know what? Staying in sin is not about breaking the commandments or His laws…its about breaking His heart. If you do truly love Him…you would keep off. You will be forgiven of your wrong doings and then you jump right into it.Truth is you are not free from the consequences of sin. Some you will have to live with them for the rest of your life.
So when you do have the chance of making things right again……do it.Guard yourself from what is unworthy to be placed in your heart and mind. Be very intentional of what you let in.So what do you need to place in your heart?Phillipians 4:8

You don’t have to entertain/encourage everything that comes into mind. Ignore it and replace it with what is worthy. Our hearts are not to lead us. We are to lead our hearts. The world says “follow your heart” but remember you are not of this world and you will never be. God says “Follow me and guard your heart.”
I’m really happy I took that verse quite seriously because I learned a whole lot of things. You learn and live

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Have you ever?

Have you ever lost a loved one? Have you ever been let down and dissapointed by someone close to you? Have you ever got your heart broken? Have you ever seen your hopes and dreams crumbling down because maybe you got fired? Have you ever thought of getting out of an addiction and you seem unable to? Have you ever hurt someone so bad they don't ever want to see you again?Have you ever been on the verge of giving up?
Most of us fall in these categories when it comes to the struggles we have had to overcome in our lives.

I have to ask during those times:
Have you ever sat down and listened to the small still voice in you trying to push you on? Have you ever got on your knees and whisper a prayer to God? Have you ever tried opening the bible and get the verses that relate to your situation instead of calling up a friend? Have you ever thought for a minute that God had written your life even before you were born and nothing surprises Him? Have you ever stayed still and let your faith grow and not be in a hurry to find a solution to remove the pain?

Most of us during these times we turn to a quick remedy to take away the pain, we turn to alcohol, unhealthy relationships, drugs. Whatever you turn to God is reminding us that:

2 Corinthians 4:8-9: We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed.

Psalms 4:8: I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, Lord only makest me dwell in safety.

Psalms 31:24: Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord.

So, have you ever been told that God cares for you and He will never leave you nor forsake you? Have you ever been told that He will finish the good work He began in you? Have you ever been told that God will always put back the pieces of your broken heart if you let Him? Have you ever been told that if you place your burdens on Him He will carry them for you?

I am telling you and reminding you today that no matter what you are going through He is with you all you have to do is to trust Him and let Him lead you to a new chapter in your life.

Sunday 7 July 2013

Christianity 101

One of those moments that just make my heart melt, the kids were taking part in a catwalk show and one of the small boys handed a rose to a girl in a wheelchair. I tried to hide my teary eyes with trying to yawn but failed miserably. We had spent the week with the kids at a school that took in less privileged kids, abused kids and disabled kids. This had to be one of the best weeks of my life!
It was amazing to see the kids that day having so much fun, it was an opportunity for them to let go of their worries and just enjoy themselves. I had seen them throught the week helping their fellow students in wheelchairs, treating each other as brothers and sisters. They knew each other by name, we fell in love with the kids.
We went there with the motive of helping out the kids in every possible way we could but in the end the kids had more impact on us than we had on them. I learned a few lessons that week and thought it was only appropriate to share them:

Lesson 1: Caring
We live in a world where it is normal being mugged in broad daylight and people's response would be "Learn to take care of your belongings" People no longer look out for each other, we are all enclosed in our own little worlds where as long as we are fine nothing else matters.
The kids at that school took it upon themselves to wheel out their fellow students out of class during break time, lunch time and after classes. This was a perfect example of caring as it means taking time and effort to help out someone in need.

Philippians 2:4
Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.
Galatians 6:2
Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Lesson 2:Being grateful
When was the last time you said thank you to the shopkeeper, watchman,waitress, anyone who served you?
What blew me away was how at the end of every single day the kids would always thank us for spending the day with them and this is what made me look forward to wake up early and go see them and do it all over again.

1 Timothy 4:4-5  For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected, if it is received with gratitude; for it is sanctified by means of the word of God and prayer

I will share with you this two for today. The simple act of just saying thank you to someone may make someone's day and motivate them to serve you better, the simple act of showing that you care for someone maybe the turning point for someone who was just about to commit suicide or someone who was falling into depression.
Maybe its what you have gone through in life that has made you forget how to care and be grateful, maybe you tried to but no one seemed to appreciate it or maybe you have just never thought about it. Whatever the reason, God commands us to look out for our fellow brothers and sisters and to always be grateful, this way we would have made our light shine in a dark world. Go on care and say thank you!