Friday 12 July 2013

The tongue


" I don't sit down the moment mum walks into the house its always do this, do that!" I was talking to myself.  Then I did my task half-heartedly. This has become a routine every time my dear mother "interrupts" me when I am doing my "important" tasks which include watching and re-watching my favorite movies or I am blogging and face booking all at once. One day during my quite times I prayed to God to show me certain areas of my life that I need to work on, so going through the day, mum "interrupted" me again. Right before I could utter a word these words came into mind " How many times has your mother been there for you, ever since you came to this world?" It didn't stop there the other question was " what makes you think God will bless you with the job of your dreams when you cannot even obey and stop complaining when your mother needs your help? What makes you think that you will not treat your boss the same way?"
Now that caught my attention! and it got me thinking.
How many things do we utter that hinder God working in our lives? We complain, we gossip, we talk ill of others, we criticize, we curse, we pray for something then the next minute we utter something that is the opposite of what we prayed for.
I have to say God is faithful He showed me where I keep going wrong and trust me when I say that it is not easy to accept and try work on it.

 Proverbs 18:21: Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.
Ephesians 4:29  Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.
Proverbs12:18 : There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.

Take time today and think about how you use your tongue, Do you speak blessings over others or are you constantly tearing people down? Do you find every opportunity to gossip? Do you complain and mummer every time you are given a task to do by your parent or boss? Do you share other people's secrets when you promised you would not?  Do you constantly talk about your problems?
Ask God to show you how to tame your tongue for the power of life and death lies in it, Its time we get to understand how much weight or words carry. Go on change what you speak today and see how much your life will change.I am working on it

1 comment:

  1. this is something to sleep over! he who offendeth not with the tongue, even is a perfect man! James..
