This woman would go to the well to fetch water when no one was there. On this very day she met a Jew at the well, the Jew was Jesus and He asked her to go call her husband but she was honest with Him and said did not have a husband even though she lived with a man. She had been with five men before....
Lets recap,So this woman was a Samaritan (they were considered less compared to Jews), she had been with five men (probably the whole village knew that is why she was ashamed to go out for water when she everyone was there) lets not forget the obvious, she is a woman (they were at that time not considered that important). No wonder she didn't see the logic in Jesus talking to her and asking for water.......
This other woman was known for the kind of life she lived, she was a prostitute...she practically walked into a feast where Jesus was eating at a Pharisee's house and came with the most expensive perfume that she had and washed Jesus' feet with her tears and her hair .......
Lets recap, she was a prostitute...every one knew this even one person in the feast thought to themselves that if Jesus knew who was touching Him maybe He wouldn't allow it.....she boldly walked across to Jesus despite the ridicule and the voices around her just to get to Him....
Later on we see Jesus revealing Himself to the Samaritan woman as the Messiah and the woman leaves in a hurry to go share with the people about Jesus and we see that a whole village was changed because of that one woman. That woman who was known to be promiscuous....that woman who the whole village had shunned....that woman who felt unworthy of giving Jesus water.
John 4: 39: Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony, “He told me everything I ever did.
We see Jesus defending the woman and condemning the person who thought to himself that that woman is sinful and she shouldn't be washing His feet. We see Him, forgiving that woman for every sin she had committed and she walked away a different person, pure and blameless.
Luke 7: 50: Jesus said to the woman, “Because you believed, you are saved from your sins. Go in peace.”
Maybe you may be that woman who feels unworthy of God's grace because you have been with countless men or even one. You feel like Christ has shunned you because of the life you have lived.
Just a reminder that God wants to restore you back to Him, there is no mess too big, there is nothing you can ever do to make Him leave you....absolutely nothing!
Choose today that despite the whispers from people about you, you will go for Jesus relentlessly and allow Him to save you and cleanse you and restore your dignity.
Choose today to go back to your first love and let Him show you what real love is...let Him give you the boldness to walk out of any toxic relationship you may be in.
Choose today to go at His feet and weep and ask for His forgiveness.....
You may be chosen for as such a time as this to be that woman who will change a village,town, city and impact a whole generation to walk in purity.
You are never too broken, too messed up, too lost for God to save you . He is knocking at your heart, let go of the shame, the heartache, the past, the abuse, the pain and let Him give you beauty for your ashes. All you have to say is SORRY GOD I MESSED UP.
thank you for sharing this,,,so beautiful and very timely. Jesus forgives all our sins and restores us completely. He does not condemn us neither holds sin against us, we just need to sit at HIS feet and surrender our lives to Him. thank you Enid for posting this may God keep blessing you and using you for His glory.I am encouraged.Romans 8;38
ReplyDeleteFor I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Thank you Diana for the feedback. God is amazing, His love is unending
ReplyDeleteThank you Diana for the feedback. God is amazing, His love is unending