There are moments when I have wanted to give up, because the situation I was in was not changing, I mean I prayed about it,cried to God about it, I did my very best to make the situation change but nothing!
In such moments I am reminded, that God's perfect will must prevail even if it means I do not get what I want....I am reminded that when I decide to trust God, I have to let go of my plans which includes my timing. So in my weakest moments, I am reminded that God will renew my strength and I will soar on wings like eagles and I will run and not grow weary and walk and not be faint.
There are moments when I have had my heart broken and my dreams shattered....all I wanted to do during these times is to stay angry at God for allowing these things to happen to me. In such moments I am reminded that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, I am reminded that God has plans for my life that are aimed at giving me hope, I am reminded that He already had a plan for my life when I was in my mother's womb. I am reminded that He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above and beyond what I can ever imagine or think of. So in my pain, I am reminded that He is faithful to complete the work He started in me.
There are moments when I have lost my way and I stopped looking to Christ to be my source and instead turned to myself and other people. In these moments, I am reminded that there is nothing I can do without Him, I am reminded that God is the source of all things, I am reminded that what is impossible with man is possible with God, I am reminded that I should always ask God to bless my plans in order for them to succeed. So, in my ignorance, I am reminded that I cannot live without Him.
There are moments when I worry about my life and the paths I take. In this moments I am reminded that I cannot add any days to my life by worrying, I am reminded that my life is in the hand of the creator of the universe and nothing can shake me off that hand, I am reminded that I should not be anxious about anything but in everything I should make my request made known to God, I am reminded that the peace God offers is beyond human understanding.So in my moments of doubt, I am reminded that my Father is the maker of Heaven and Earth.
There are moments I have felt inadequate and felt like my looks, my gifts and my qualifications are not enough for the tasks I have been entrusted to do. In these moments I am reminded that I am able to do all things through Christ who strengthens me, I am reminded that if God is for me, who can be against me?, I am reminded that I should be strong and courageous for God is with me. So in my fear, I am reminded that God has not given me a spirit of fear but of power, love and self control.
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