Monday 21 August 2017


Over the past few months I have received a lot of messages from ladies who are struggling to get out of relationships they know they should not be in...mainly because the relationship does not glorify God. The common thing about all these ladies is that they know they deserve better and should not be there but they just cannot get themselves to call it quits....why? its scary starting over....the guy is a good guy even though he is not saved....

Well, for me I have been there and done that and made every excuse not to walk out of that relationship actually the same excuses the ladies I totally understand EXACTLY what they are going through....So I chose to share four things you need to consider if you are playing with the thought of walking out of a relationship because you know it is not right in the eyes of God or if you ever find yourself in such a situation.....I hope this helps...

1. You are choosing the man over God

Yes, you may not look like it but consider this.....God is telling you to walk out and trust Him to take care of things for what you are really telling Him when you choose NOT to walk away is...."God I do not think I can live without this person but I think I can live without you" I am reading too much into this? Consider this.....

Philippians 3:7-8: But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ

You see when you encounter Christ and truly surrender to Him nothing else comes before count everything else that you did before or valued before meeting Him a loss compared to what you have gained in Him....why? Because He is God! Meaning if He calls you to do something, you should not even think twice about it but immediately obey...IF and only IF He means so much to you.....

2. You are choosing a mediocre life

Thing is, God created you and knows your beginning till the day you will take your last breath....He has seen it all....and the plans He has for you are beyond your wildest dream.....but how do we get to tap into them? By living according to His will....His will you ask? His will is for you to be in a relationship that glorifies Him...that puts Him first.....

So choosing NOT to obey Him is choosing a life that is less incredible...less amazing....less every good and perfect plan He has for you....He has His best in store for you if you would only trust Him by stepping out on the wrong one, then you will see it.....

Luke 11:28He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.”

3. A good guy without God is NO GOOD

 I have heard this and said this before: " He is a good guy" , "I can't leave him, he has not done me any wrong", " He is not like most guys", "He is sweet"...etc

Thing is ANYONE can be "good" or "nice"... all it takes is to do and say the right/appropriate things. The guy is nice, no one can refuse that BUT who is he accountable to? What moral compass does he use? What can he do or not do? What principles does he operate with?

If a man does not hold himself accountable to God, anything can go with him, ..lets take an example of the big S word what will be acceptable to him? I am guessing he is okay having sex with you  you are the only one he is sleeping that is good enough for you because after all there are so many guys sleeping with a ton of girls.

But lets see a godly man, His standards are those that God has see in matters of sex he understands until he is in a covenant with you, he has no right to know you in that way....

I do not mean that a godly man will be perfect, but he will be led by the Holy Spirit and he will understand how to love you as God intended for you to be loved and He will lead you closer to Christ not further away...

4.Do not believe the lies

You know the lies that go like ; You will never find a better guy, God will give you someone you are not attracted to, You will be left out, All the good men are taken..etc.
Do not believe them! Because they all come from the father of lies! Trying to keep you from experiencing the life in abundance that Christ provides....which includes a healthy and godly relationship.....

Consider this, God put the desire in your heart and He has a plan for why would His plan go against His word...He tells you to be patient and trust Him, trust Him to present His best  for you in due time, to rest in Him and let Him write your love story.....

Lastly I just want to make a prayer for you:

Dear God,
 I commit every single lady struggling to get out of a relationship that does not please you, that Lord you will give them the strength and courage to walk out. I come against fear that will make them settle for less, fear that will make them think they will never meet your best. I pray that they will be able to heal and move on  and wait on your story of their lives. In Jesus name,



  1. It's not easy but it's possible...

  2. So so so good mrs.Ngugi.God bless you.

  3. Wonderful piece. No lady who fears God should settle for less. "Let God give you His best for you in due Him to write your love story!!!!"
