I have a small tattoo on my right arm...eerrrmm not arm, on my wrist....and so I get people asking me this question..I usually go right ahead to explain how and why I got mine, just to remove the fascination behind it....
Why did I get it? We were working for an advertising company when I was in University with my best friend and we had to put up a display section for the products we were selling at some event. It happened that the guys who pitched tent next to us were tattoo guys, so we got an offer of exchanging our merchandise with a free tattoo so without hesitating, we chose a small tattoo so that it would take the shortest time possible before we are caught giving away free stuff....so it does not mean anything to me and I did not get emotional when I saw it after the artist was done....probably the only reason I would have been emotional is the pain....
So lets consider a few things before you get that tattoo...
1. Why do you want a tattoo?
1 Corinthians 10:31: So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
As a Christian we are called to do everything for God's glory, to do EVERYTHING with the aim of pleasing Him even the smallest things such as getting a tattoo....
So consider if the reason you want it falls within/outside glorying Him...and no do not tell me you will get a cross or whatever to show that you are a Christian...we know that our hearts matter more to God....with this in mind....consider the next point...
2. Have you asked God that question?
Most of the times when we get ourselves asking such questions as whether we should do something or not...is because we doubt what we want to do is right....
If the Holy Spirit has convicted you about it, then do not do it.......hold on..before you tell me that there is no conviction...have you prayed about it? have you asked God what He thinks about it?
So probably the right person to ask first is Him...He has ALL the answers.....
3. Is it necessary?
1 Corinthians 10:23: All things are lawful,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful,” but not all things build up.
I had always wanted to go back to get my tattoo improvised...and I remember sharing it with my then fiance and he went like " Do not do it"....of course this came as a shock to me because I was thinking..."who are you to tell me this?"..."It is not your body".....blablabla but I prayed about it and found peace with it...I keep thinking if I insisted and went ahead with my plan despite him saying no..what would have happened to our relationship? what message would I be passing to the man I was planning to get married to and submit to?
You see probably you getting your tattoo goes against your parents' advice or whoever's advice, so will it be of benefit? Yes is is permitted but will it build or destroy your relationships? Is it even going to build you as an individual? what value is it adding?
I got mine before I got saved and hence I did not consider these things as I was my own boss lol...and now I will say it is usually a great conversation starter with people who notice it..and it being a cross I got the chance to give a new reason behind it...that it reminds me of the sacrifice Christ made for me on the cross....God redeemed this for me....
So I cannot give a yes or no answer but I can ask you to consider the three things above and make the decision after....
I've never looked at it as you've put it... I always looked at it in the leviticus way. Thanks for this i sight