Wednesday, 2 October 2013

For the ladies

This is the second time I am writing to the ladies, the first time was about us pulling each other up here and now today I just wanted to be honest with you and just talk about sexual purity and relationships. I know many will not agree with this but we should understand that God's standards will never change for us and there will come a time where EVERY knee will bow to Him.

So you have this "nice guy" he does everything right, he is faithful, he is "God-fearing" because yes he goes to church or you drag him to church hoping to change him, he treats you right and you guys have been together for sometime now and to top it off you two have sex with only each other and maybe "shacking up" (living with each other without any sort of commitment like marriage) or you occasionally spend your weekends at his crib.
You have this guy who you are madly in love with but he gives you mixed signals you do not know where you stand with him, you are the one who initiates meetings or you continuously call or text him but he will never be the first to.
You have this guy who treats you like trash he abuses you physically and verbally, he sleeps with everything in a skirt but you stick with him maybe because you say you are "in love" with him or he has fathered your child.

This are just some of the kind of relationships I know most ladies are in. So where is the truth I want to share?
A man is supposed to lead meaning he should lead you even spiritually. You are not supposed to be the one dragging him to church news flash honey, he will be doing it just to make you happy but not for his own spiritual nourishment.
A God-fearing man does not mean a guy who goes to church but the minute you two are out of church you end up all alone in his house rubbing on each other. A God-fearing man is a man who pursues Christ wholeheartedly whose lifestyle shouts out Christ, he will not be lifting up his hands in worship in church and the next minute his hands are up your skirt. He will be determined to protect your purity because he understands that is what God commands.
A man who truly loves you will commit because he will not want you to get away so he will not waste time to lock you down before another guy shows up, he will not shack up with you.
Men go for what they want and usually they will stop at nothing to get it, so if he wants you, he will come after you, he will make his intentions clear, you will not have to guess where you stand with him.
A man who loves and deserves you will treat you right, he will treat you like a queen because he knows your worth, he will never lay a hand on you or go around cheating on you with anything that wears a skirt.

Proverbs 3:15: She is more precious than jewels, and nothing you desire can compare with her.

Proverbs 31:30: Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

So its time women realize who they are in Christ, to know they are precious jewels and they do not have to settle for less. So I urge you ladies if you are shacking up its time for you to pack it up and leave, if you are in an abusive relationship pack it up and leave, if that "God-fearing" man is not leading you to Christ then pack it up and leave, If you are busy chasing a man who is not totally sold out on you, pack it up and leave! after all the bible says HE who finds a wife NOT SHE that finds a husband.
Yes I know its hard and I understand, you maybe thinking its too late we have been together  for years now and your family has met him or you maybe thinking where will another good looking guy come by you'd rather stick with the one you have or you and him are planning to get married and you are in love and you sleep only with each other so there is nothing wrong with that.

Psalms 37:4: Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Dear sisters, You are created by the author of love, when He created you He already knew the man He would match you up with. He knows the desires of your heart, why don't you give Him a chance and let Him write your love story, let Him present that man who submits to Christ, that man who will love you like Christ loved the Church, that man who will lead you to Christ. Let go and let Him, it will not be easy, I know from experience but following Christ will cost you.
 Matthew 6:33: But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
You may think that you do not need that after all things are going well, this is because of God's grace where He gives us a few breaks here and there but that will never amount to the life he has for you.
So let us avoid the soul ties that come with us having sex outside marriage that forces you to stay with a man that abuses you, lets avoid unnecessary heartaches because we decided to do it our way, lets avoid giving up what is meant for your future husband only. God gives second chances all you have to do is repent and turn around and start walking with Him.  So seek HIM first and He will bring you that man in due time.

Isaiah 34:16: Seek out of the book of the Lord and read: not one of these [details of prophecy] shall fail, none shall want and lack her mate [in fulfillment]. For the mouth [of the Lord] has commanded, and His Spirit has gathered them.
Not one will lack her mate, God Himself said it so stop worrying when the man will come or do not give into the pressure of society talking about your biological clock and just settle. God will reveal Him in due time, till then ladies, live in purity, serve Christ in your singleness and everything else, EVERYTHING ELSE will be given to you.

For the guys I will bring in a guy to write it from a guy's point of view...soon.


  1. As painful as it sounds.... All of it is true. Ladies need to know what they are getting themselves into before it is too late.

    1. Yes It it is just a matter of us giving it up to Christ and live in obedience

  2. blessed by your blog which i have come across loving it....your truly blessed

    1. Thanks Wachinga ...and glory to God that you have been blessed...keep reading
