Friday, 24 May 2013


The whole class roared with laughter after the trainer made his usual sarcastic remarks when one of us would get lost when he was demonstrating on the board. We were learning how to operate a geographic information system software, something  our lecturer would talk about in a three hour class. At times I felt I was in a theology class trying to learn Greek... to my relief  (I believe to everyone's relief) we now had the chance to see it and use it. I looked forward to these practical classes maybe because it would be the last chance I get to hang out with my college buddies or because  I sat next to 'him' or it was because I was getting good at operating the software Oh well! I think all these reasons made me look forward to the classes.
So that day we were learning on how to create buffers, to estimate how far a national park would be expanded for it not to interfere with the road construction. The end result shows a three-ring structure(looks like the waves that appear on water when you throw something in) cutting off the roads on the map, it showed that if the park was to be extended 6 Kilometers it would mess up the road structure. But if it was extended 4 Kilometers it would be safe enough.
Hoping I have drawn an almost clear picture of what we were up to that day, you should understand when i say that we all create buffers where we are meaning our actions affect the people around us either positively or negatively. If I choose to post negative things on the social media depending with the number of friends I have, I will impact either a huge number of people or a small number of people.To make it simpler if I choose to fart in a crowded elevator...not that I would but what do you think will happen?

Galatians 6:10 So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.

How many  opportunities to be a helping hand, to be an encouragement to someone, to be a shoulder to lean on have passed us? We are to ask God to show us this opportunities where we would be a blessing to someone where the buffers we create will build and not destroy.


  1. Interesting!!i like!!
    Too bad i didn't attend the training. if i had I'm very sure i would have been another reason to make you look forward to it.

    1. Furaha thanks ha ha ha maybe i would have ;-)

  2. wow, I can partially relate :)
    I would definately laugh at those sarcastic remarks, training was fun! sitting to one of my closest friends, peeping at you next to "him" and always finding a reason to make fun of you! never thought I would view those multiple buffers in this context- but you know what, makes sense!
    and yes, sure there would be "more looking forward to it" ; if the whole family was present ;-)

    1. Louisa you guys are just awesome thanks

  3. hahahahah!!!!!!!!!so you know bits of comic relief...interesting .. keep it up!!!

    1. Siocha babe,thanks i will and you know am funny

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